Thursday, November 15, 2007

nov 16

cool cans story--no seriously i wanna know if we beat the record..follow up maybe?

picture of the cards is a little weird on the front i mean i understand it..but still..blur it or something dont just put black bars over it

very nice review of Tempest-a little wordy though..i mean great adjectives and everything but possibly overboard. Great pictures though! Glad they finally worked

this ad about the village with sally..umm makes me laugh

rso of the week--good info, i love santas miracle fund..but i even heard him say that he didnt' want just a picture of him for it..its not about him..get some old pictures from last yaer i know there are some.

interesting tattoo story--front page worthy..idk..

dishes for wishes..yay!!!

i'm glad someone finally interviewed the horse guy at that 441 church..i've always wondered..great story idea!! great story, considering where the info was coming from and on short notice.

i like the name that bobcat art on the sports page..adding some color and spice..nice.

not a big fan of the Q&A format..what happened to bobchat?

Nov 9

Good article on Carmen Bass...did her justice. upbeat but yet very somber and was a good rememberance..
um wow whats up with the runaway b-ball player..crazy
really really like the house ad..high five to mary and christa

like the new cartoons..finally something i actually understand and is funny!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

nov 2

airing gcsus dirty laundry-good picture, good story. very interesting and informatitive.
drug busts-random story--it starts out with people stealing food from sodexho..very random, ends better but still random--
registrar- well written and informative. All that stuff is annyoing and i'm glad it got covered.
-i like how we do pictures with info boxes to describe stories we dont cover--they add more color and pictures, which most people look at.
chemistry week-one of the paragraphs starts out--Int he maze uests..thats not my language, even though i can guess it means in the maze guests, ya that needs to be caught. Otherwise i like the article, i saw some of this on campus it looked interesting i wish i had checked it out.
Drought--like the pull quote.
Opinion page--i dont see why my group did a survey on the opinion page when i dont even enjoy reading it myself, i only read it because i have to..because i have to write on this thing about it--the two columnists bore me! You might say i'm just ignorant and dont know anything about politics and you are partly true but still they are boring. The Voice on the other hand i enjoyed greatly, usually do actually. Good points, well written and nicely put! Well done.
Drama, poetry combine for accounts of violence--like the entro, very feature-esk.
Stand has a nice spread, pull quotes, picture headline..nice.
what happened to all the sports pictures..most were taken by austin so i know they were good..but why are they so fuzzy? nice stories though..